Herawati Sudoyo
Dr. Herawati Sudoyo is the Deputy Director of the Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology in Jakarta and a teaching staff at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia. She is also an Honorary Associate Professor from Faculty of Medicine, University of Sydney, Australia and member of the Indonesian Academy of
Sciences (AIPI).
She received a MD from University of Indonesia and obtained her PhD in Biochemistry/Molecular
Biology from Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. Herawati continued her scientific interest on energy transducing membrane and related genetic diseases, as well as complex and life style-related diseases at the Eijkman Institute and extended her research activity on human genome diversity and its association with resistance or susceptibility to disease.
Her work on the human genome diversity and disease and the expertise on the use of DNA markers lead to the establishment of a DNA forensics laboratory to serve the need of scientific evidence in solving criminal
cases. The forensic laboratory has become part of the international forensic network on child trafficking and wildlife trafficking.
Her latest professional appointment is the President of Indonesian Biorisk Association whose mission is to raise awareness and build expertise on biosafety and biosecurity in Indonesia. She is involved on the development of the Indonesian Code of Conduct on Biosecurity, and established a strong collaboration
with the Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Antonio (Tony) Estrella
Beata Jagielska
Bogi Eliasen
Chai Chuah
Chunlin Jin
Denis Horgan
Dr Heinner Guio

Dr Hernan Lupera
Dr Manuel Inostroza Palma

Eduard Vrdoljak
Emilio Santelices
Fred Horne
Gau Churn-Shiouh

Gu Xuefei
Jeremy Lim
Joanne M. Hackett, PhD
Juan E. Gil

Kang Jin-Hyoung

Krishna Reddy
Leanne Raven
Martha Herrera Olaya
Mary Harney

Mary Maguire

Maude Elvira Phipps
Minna Hendolin, PhD
Nares Damrongchai

Nick Guldemond, PhD DSc
Prof. John Lim

Prof. Tikki Pangestu

Professor Bryan Hennessy
Rachel Frizberg

Ruben Humberto Torres
Sadakatsu Ikeda
Stanimir Hasardzhiev
Tรตnu Esko, PhD