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Key facts about Asia Pacific

Fatos importantes Good overall performances in health data and infrastructure

The majority of the region scores well for the Health Information Vital Sign, with three very strong performers: Singapore, Australia and Taiwan, which are far ahead of their peers.

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Fatos importantes Asia-Pacific region trails in Personalised Technologies

This Vital Sign has the lowest average score, particularly due to poor implementation of decision support systems and uptake of artificial intelligence in healthcare. More positively, most locations cover and reimburse some companion diagnostics.


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Fatos importantes Potential for progress in Policy Context

This Vital Sign shows that there are significant disparities across the region in how well-prepared health systems are to facilitate personalised health, though high scores are commonly noted for social mobility, access to data for research, and the regulatory landscape for companion diagnostics.

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The Asia-Pacific region shows significant differences in readiness for personalised healthcare.

The greatest strengths in the Asia-Pacific region are in health information, with an overall robust and growing digital infrastructure. On the other hand, there are stark contrasts in policy environments and planning for personalised healthcare, indicating differences in regulatory, innovative, and implementational capacities of jurisdictions in the region. Access to and use of personalised technologies and health services also varies significantly across the Asia-Pacific region. These disparities may be the result of a variety of factors, from differing national priorities, healthcare financing models, and levels of healthcare coverage to myriad social and environmental conditions. To be sure, while some jurisdictions are well-positioned relative to others in the Asia-Pacific region – and may even lead globally – all jurisdictions have ample room to improve their capabilities in personalised healthcare. To lead in personalised healthcare, the Asia-Pacific region could build on its advantages in digital infrastructure and ambition in digital transformation by exploring possibilities for regional data interoperability, develop strategies to combat inequities in access to care and health literacy, and develop stronger policies and regulations for personalised healthcare.

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Building long term sustainable and personalised healthcare systems

Index Launch |  | 12:00 - 13:00 SGT
We are excited to announce the launch of the Asia-Pacific Personalised Health Index, part of the FutureProofing Healthcare initiative. The Index is a first-of-its-kind policy tool that provides a unique overview of the personalised health readiness of 11 health systems across Asia-Pacific.

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